Monday, June 18, 2007


If you think about it, friends are something that can be considered “over-rated”. I mean come on now, ask yourself, how many friends do you have? Your answer would probably be like, uncountable? So let’s just narrow down the question and be a little more specific.

How many close friends do you have? and your answer would probably be like maybe 5-10 guys and gals?

So now ask yourself, these 5-10 peeps, do they really have your back when you’re in need? or are they for show only?

Sometimes even I do think who my close friends are and who I can actually count on? Are there some just beside me for a ride or are they really here with me for life?

Hence the reason you must always watch your back, even in the midst of your, so called close friends. I feel that sometimes, there isn’t any reason, but a friend would just not be the same anymore and would probably opt to do something seemingly brainless, which would either directly or indirectly affect the friendship one has with them.

Losing friends, I find it somewhat a cycle of friendships. Whenever you lose a close friend, you somehow find a new close friend.

I don’t know the reason, but like I said, sometimes there is no particular reason, but I feel as though I have lost a couple of friends. No reason for me to let out names, as most of the people reading this blog can be considered my “close friends”.

Oh well, I shall just look out for those new friends then aye. ;)

Is this a controversial post? I think so too, whatever you are thinking that is ;)


Jussie said...

You are so right. I recently lost two very close friends (no, they didn't die or anything) very suddenly because of stupid choices they made. It makes me sad, but your post (which I stumbled on randomly, by the way) has helped me look at things differently...I will keep my eyes out for a new "cycle of friends" as you put it.

brAndOn said...

you very well should jussie ;)