Friday, June 15, 2007

Like a Kid

Everything that comes in the box ;)

the ipod


the box

I know this entry was supposed to be put a week back or something. But guess it’s too late for that now ain’t it. Anyway, I got an Ipod a week an a half back. It’s an ipod video with 30 GB memory and it was a great bargain. I paid aus 230 for it and I’m rather happy considering this is the first item above RM500 that I’ve bought for myself using the money I saved up along the months.

Now I’m like a kid with a new toy. Playing around with it and just admiring the mere sight of it. Ngeks. But I’m sure I just need a few more weeks till I get bored of it and it will be just another owned item of mine. Oh well, life goes on.

There is a slack part about it though. itunes, it really is something you really need to get used to huh? I was getting frustrated just trying to get songs into my new baby. itunes isn’t that user friendly at all. bleh!
p/s: forgive the bad pictures.

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