Wednesday, June 27, 2007


In life, decisions are made every single day. Whether it is, what you eat today, what to wear today or what you should do today. It’s just something you can’t miss out every day of your life. Which now boils down to the reason for this post, how do you know if you made the right decision?

Is it the feedback you get that determines whether your decision was right? For example when someone complements your dressing for the day or when someone actually literally tells you, “You made a good choice”. Or is it when you find yourself in your bed at night and happy with yourself for the day, which means that you made right decisions during the course of day.

To tell you the truth, when I think about the decisions I make or have made, I really don’t know if it was right or wrong. Especially us being only human, which is a race that is never, and I repeat, NEVER ever satisfied with what we have, how do we know the decisions we make are for the better or worst? And how to we learn to make the right decisions?

I tell everyone around me that life is all about taking risk, so I’m guessing that decisions are also a risk that we take everyday. Like if we decide to rob a bank, the risk is us getting caught by the police. That was pretty obvious, I know, but some decisions that you make, the consequences just seems to hide themselves pretty well. Or is it just that our mind is selectively blocking out the bad consequences so that your decision would be one which is so called following
"your heart".

I know it’s quite a confusing post and probably has no meaning at all to everyone, but somehow, I just needed to express it out. Probably due to the fact that I’ve seen a lot of people around me make wrong decisions and I don’t want to be next in line to make a bad decision that might make me regret things. Life is too short for me to be living it with any regret at all.

Decisions Decisions Decisions…

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