Friday, February 29, 2008

Thinking Too Much

First of all, I’d just like to say that posting pictures up on this blog can really be a BITCH! Maybe it is the connection, maybe my computer is playing pucks, but whatever the reason, it is just plain irritating. Damn technology, irritates the hell out of you sometimes yet you can’t live without ‘em.

Now, getting back on track, I’ve been thinking too much this past couple of days, if I do say so myself. A few things have been on my mind lately and it has just been playing over and over. Maybe because it is that time you know, when uni starts after a 3 month break and everything just feel “shitty-er” than usual. I guess you could say it’s more of an emo period.

Firstly, assignments are already starting to pile in. Some not really in but you can already see it coming in the unit outline and you’re just like “OH SHIT”. So yeah, first weeks aren’t pleasant. Besides that however, my sister just had a job working at Fremantle with quite a big pay as well. But it just reminds me that this is my last year of uni and that means that there is only one year left for fun and games. After that, it’s all business, and I mean it literally since I am getting a degree in business. Working, getting up at 7 a.m. just isn’t what I’m used to. Am I actually ready for the working world? Or is the working world really ready for me? Well well well, we’ll all just have to wait and see in a year’s time aye?

But seriously, I’m scared shitless about the fact that I’ve gotta start working and saving for the rest of my life to build a family, to get my children through to uni. I know you might be thinking I’m nuts for thinking that far, but hey, people always say the foundation is the most important part of the building. And our first steps in the working world can also be considered as the foundation in our working career, am I not right? Another reason for me to think so much is the fact that I’ve got some big shoes to fill. Dad is doing great and me as his son, well the pressure is there to be better than him. As he puts it, “I have given you a stepping stone that I never had, make me proud and do better than me.” I think I really do have to work my arse off. How I wish I could forever be 21 years old.

Now, to the next thing on my mind, you know how hard is it to lose a friend? Somehow in someway I feel like I’ve lost two close friends. And I don’t mean as in passed away, just not the close we used to be. I guess a lot of things can happen in 5 months. I know I’m repeating myself like an old record player but yeah. The fact that things change and we just have to watch it change sucks big time. I guess we’re getting older and priorities just change and maybe when we’re not around we don’t know what is going on. With things so different, I don’t even know if I’ll be looking forward to go back home next time around. Although, the next time around I go back I can see Vjay’s black ass there. I know it is weird for me to be posting things that are so obvious, but I guess, somehow, I do hope that things change and for the better.