Saturday, June 2, 2007

As expected and More

The weekend turned out just as expected. Or at least half the weekend has turned out as expected with a little added extra here and there. Now I can tell you first hand, heavy labor work isn’t easy at all and I salute those who have to do it for a living. It was exhausting moving all the stuff around, especially with only three guys doing all the heavy lifting.

Today wasn’t even close to how it was when Auntie Pat was moving houses. Compared to this, that was a stroll in the park. But I guess it’s because the lads were there to help out. So yeah, thank you Vjay and Andrew for the help that time ;)

And to add up with the heavy lifting was that I hadn’t had a good night sleep for three nights running now. Meaning that for the past three nights, I’ve had only four hours or less sleep. Damn I hope I get a good night sleep today.

Seems like painting and moving houses just isn’t my thang ;) GET THE HINT!
If you’re painting or moving houses, DON’T CALL ME!

A few other minor events happened today that just got my blood boiling. Some people are just so fucked up sometimes. If you think I’m talking about you, it might very well be you. So what are ya gonna do about it? BITE ME!

Payback will be a bitch. I guarantee it.

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