Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Exams that was

It’s just a little recap of last week, which so happened to be my exams week. I had 3 papers all together, Marketing Communications, Public Relations Media and Marketing Research. My internal marks for all 3 weren’t that bad, I needed like 5 marks for each subject to pass. But of course I wasn’t aiming for a mere pass, but a distinction ;)

Well, the first paper is always the hardest. I was scared senseless before my Marketing Communications paper on Tuesday. To make it worst, the paper was at 6.45 p.m. I mean, shit, you gotta wait for your paper all day long, makes you think even more.

After doing the paper, I was really sad. I feel that I screwed myself right in the arsehole for this paper. If ya know what I mean. But the heck with it, it’s not like I can turn back time now can I.

Second paper was on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m. It was Public Relations Media. This paper isn’t about studying; it’s more on how you generate ideas that should be put into the media. I was rather confident entering this exam, but damn was I wrong. The paper wasn’t tough or anything, but there wasn’t enough time! I wrote the most I have ever written in an exam in my entire life! I filled the whole answer booklet! (that’s a whopping 16 pages) I was rather impressed with myself after the exam. It was also the first time I stayed right till the end in an exam ;) (I’m those kinda guy that finishes my paper in 1 hour 15 minutes tops) But yeah, I think I did quite well, if I say so myself.

The last paper was on Friday, Marketing Research. I did not at all study for this paper till after my Public Relations Media paper. So I was kinda nervous, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to get it over with. I wanted to PARTAYYY babeh! I expected the exam to be tough, but to my surprise, it was rather easy ;) I finished in less than an hour and had to wait till 1 hour passed after the exam till I left the hall (the rules are that you can’t leave during the first hour, no idea why)

So then, it was officially over. My freaking exams that have kept me up more than once has passed me by. Intriguingly enough though, I think I had more sleep during exams than during the semester. LoL. I had like 8 hours sleep every night. ;)

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