Thursday, June 7, 2007


No it’s not "shortie" as in girlfriend. Its instead "shortie" as in this post is going to be a short post ;)

I have no connection to the internet now at the new house for the time being and thats the reason i haven't been posting up. But anyhow, nothing much has really been happening. I've been rather good this past week. Most of the time staying home and just chilling with the family.

But i guess every good thing has to come to an end, for i already have plans for tonight aye! Ngeks!

Oh, and before i forget, my flight is 90% confirmed. My flight back home to Malaysia that is. Hip Hip Hoorayy! Hip Hip Hoorayyy! I'll be leaving here on the 25th June, night if im not mistaken and be arriving back home the morning of 26th June. The screwed up part is that i'll prolly reach Brunei at around 3-4 a.m. (because i'm taking the cheapest flight that just so happens to be Brunei Airways) and i got a 3 hour transit! As Ug put it yesterday when i was chatting with him, "So you can bang balls for 3 hours lah". And I believe i'll have to do just that. BANG BALLS! And my flight home is now set for the 18th of July. But it hasn't been confirmed yet. So we'll see how it goes. I'm still deciding ;)

Don't rush me mates!

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