Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shopping Spree

Today was a wicked day. I went out shopping from 11 a.m. right till around 5 p.m. I know! I can’t believe it myself!

The whole family (me, my mum, 2 sisters and Cheryl) had a field time at Harbor Town in the city. Its supposedly the cheapest place to shop in Perth because its mostly kinda like factory outlet stores. I think after the day was done, you could not see the bottom of my car boot, due to all the plastic bags piled up. So yeah, it was a hell of a shopping day.

Well, back to me. I had a rather productive day of shopping as well. I think all together I came back with 5 plastic bags of my own. Of the things I bought are 2 t-shirts, a jumper and 2 hoodies. Ah, and of course, how can I forget, I bought my very first suit today! Its dark grayish in colour with white pin stripes. The family says it looks alittle mafia-ish and I look like im a bouncer when I wear it. Don't know if thats good, but who cares!

So today can be considered a good day, but the money that came out of my pocket or rather my dad’s pocket is still on my mind. I spent close to aud 400 just today alone. That isn’t a small amount, especially if you convert it to ringgit. That’s like Rm 1160. WOW!

And I bought some tongue studs that Nelvie asked for. I’m not gonna post the pics of your studs Nelvie, we shall let it be a surprise when I get back ;)

That's what i call a shopping spree

My new suit ;)

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