Thursday, June 28, 2007

When Boredom Engulfs You

Coming home all four nights in a row early isn’t really what I expect when I’m back home for a holiday. So yeah, I feel boredom slowly engulfing me, and it’s really screwed up.

I don’t know what changed. Is it that most of my friends are working? Or is it because of the few friends that I once considered close have actually drifted away?

I would have to say the latter. The few friends, or probably one friend that I used to hangout with a lot, was more of a nightlife person. Or rather he used to chill more at the wee hours of the morning, and he was always going to the internet café to play our favourite computer game at the moment which is Dota. (If you don’t know the game, just ask me) So yes, I used to go to the cafes with him every night, playing games or just having a drink. And it just feels weird that I don’t go to the internet café at night anymore. And come to think of it, I do actually miss it.

I guess I could call him and join him, but I just don’t feel like doing so. But I don’t want to spend the rest of my one month back home coming home at 12.30 a.m. every night either! I’ve really cracked my head to see how I can change things, but yet, there is nothing. I even thought of going back to Perth early if things don’t change. Why would I want to stay back here when I have more happening nights in Perth which everyone says is a“ dead city” compared to

At least I know I’m going clubbing tomorrow night. So it’s the first day I’ll actually be out late since I came home. Whoopeedoo! Three cheers for Brandon coming home late!

I’m going outta my mind with boredom. Someone please save me. And I really feel like playing Dota right now. Dammit. Guess I’ll just have to sleep it off.

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