Friday, June 1, 2007


It’s the end of the semester and seriously, I was so relieved just a moment ago as I walked into the marketing school building and handed in my final report for the semester.
It was like a burden taken off my shoulders. I am officially free of assignments this semester! Wohoo! Time to shout and celebrate!

But somehow, I’m not as excited as I should be. I mean, I’ve been looking forward to this time for the past three months and yet, when it arrives, why am I not as happy and I think I should be?

Maybe because of the fact that whenever a semester is ending, that’s when everyone in class starts to bond with each other and make new friends. And in the end, you know you probably would not even see that person again in your life. Unless of course by chance. And I was rather lucky this semester to have three great and friendly tutors out of my four different subjects. So that probably plays a part in me feeling this way too.

But yeah, I have mixed feelings. I’m relieved and yet a little sad that the semester has ended. Now all I have to look forward to is the exams coming up in two weeks, and boy will I enjoy that eh?

Oh well. At least the other thing to look forward to is the one and half month break I have before next semester. Lets hope all goes as planned and I do awesomely in my exams.

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