Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Three days have passed since I was back home and yet I find it somewhat not as I would expect. The days have been rather uneventful, actually the nights are worst! It just seems so wrong.

I mean, for me coming home three nights running at 12.30 a.m. is rather odd if you ask me. I’m a person who’s used to coming home in the wee hours of the morning, not at midnight!

Things need to change; I’m starting to get bored. So bored that I’ve actually started reading a book I brought back which was meant to be entertaining me on my flight back to Perth. Nelvie said to me, "so you came back to read books at home?" Actually no, I didn’t, but there is nothing better to do!

Hope my so far, uneventful stay would take a drastic turn for the better.

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