Thursday, June 28, 2007

When Boredom Engulfs You

Coming home all four nights in a row early isn’t really what I expect when I’m back home for a holiday. So yeah, I feel boredom slowly engulfing me, and it’s really screwed up.

I don’t know what changed. Is it that most of my friends are working? Or is it because of the few friends that I once considered close have actually drifted away?

I would have to say the latter. The few friends, or probably one friend that I used to hangout with a lot, was more of a nightlife person. Or rather he used to chill more at the wee hours of the morning, and he was always going to the internet café to play our favourite computer game at the moment which is Dota. (If you don’t know the game, just ask me) So yes, I used to go to the cafes with him every night, playing games or just having a drink. And it just feels weird that I don’t go to the internet café at night anymore. And come to think of it, I do actually miss it.

I guess I could call him and join him, but I just don’t feel like doing so. But I don’t want to spend the rest of my one month back home coming home at 12.30 a.m. every night either! I’ve really cracked my head to see how I can change things, but yet, there is nothing. I even thought of going back to Perth early if things don’t change. Why would I want to stay back here when I have more happening nights in Perth which everyone says is a“ dead city” compared to

At least I know I’m going clubbing tomorrow night. So it’s the first day I’ll actually be out late since I came home. Whoopeedoo! Three cheers for Brandon coming home late!

I’m going outta my mind with boredom. Someone please save me. And I really feel like playing Dota right now. Dammit. Guess I’ll just have to sleep it off.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


In life, decisions are made every single day. Whether it is, what you eat today, what to wear today or what you should do today. It’s just something you can’t miss out every day of your life. Which now boils down to the reason for this post, how do you know if you made the right decision?

Is it the feedback you get that determines whether your decision was right? For example when someone complements your dressing for the day or when someone actually literally tells you, “You made a good choice”. Or is it when you find yourself in your bed at night and happy with yourself for the day, which means that you made right decisions during the course of day.

To tell you the truth, when I think about the decisions I make or have made, I really don’t know if it was right or wrong. Especially us being only human, which is a race that is never, and I repeat, NEVER ever satisfied with what we have, how do we know the decisions we make are for the better or worst? And how to we learn to make the right decisions?

I tell everyone around me that life is all about taking risk, so I’m guessing that decisions are also a risk that we take everyday. Like if we decide to rob a bank, the risk is us getting caught by the police. That was pretty obvious, I know, but some decisions that you make, the consequences just seems to hide themselves pretty well. Or is it just that our mind is selectively blocking out the bad consequences so that your decision would be one which is so called following
"your heart".

I know it’s quite a confusing post and probably has no meaning at all to everyone, but somehow, I just needed to express it out. Probably due to the fact that I’ve seen a lot of people around me make wrong decisions and I don’t want to be next in line to make a bad decision that might make me regret things. Life is too short for me to be living it with any regret at all.

Decisions Decisions Decisions…


Three days have passed since I was back home and yet I find it somewhat not as I would expect. The days have been rather uneventful, actually the nights are worst! It just seems so wrong.

I mean, for me coming home three nights running at 12.30 a.m. is rather odd if you ask me. I’m a person who’s used to coming home in the wee hours of the morning, not at midnight!

Things need to change; I’m starting to get bored. So bored that I’ve actually started reading a book I brought back which was meant to be entertaining me on my flight back to Perth. Nelvie said to me, "so you came back to read books at home?" Actually no, I didn’t, but there is nothing better to do!

Hope my so far, uneventful stay would take a drastic turn for the better.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I’m home, yet I’m not as happy as I think I should be. Why isn’t home as sweet as it used to be? I guess a girlfriend crying when you were leaving and crying when talking to you in the night has a very large effect. Larger than one would anticipate, and I guess home is more to where your heart is. Oh well, am glad to see the lads though, and as usual, they crack me up.

Anyways, lets see how the month progresses. Hope it was worth while coming home.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shopping Spree

Today was a wicked day. I went out shopping from 11 a.m. right till around 5 p.m. I know! I can’t believe it myself!

The whole family (me, my mum, 2 sisters and Cheryl) had a field time at Harbor Town in the city. Its supposedly the cheapest place to shop in Perth because its mostly kinda like factory outlet stores. I think after the day was done, you could not see the bottom of my car boot, due to all the plastic bags piled up. So yeah, it was a hell of a shopping day.

Well, back to me. I had a rather productive day of shopping as well. I think all together I came back with 5 plastic bags of my own. Of the things I bought are 2 t-shirts, a jumper and 2 hoodies. Ah, and of course, how can I forget, I bought my very first suit today! Its dark grayish in colour with white pin stripes. The family says it looks alittle mafia-ish and I look like im a bouncer when I wear it. Don't know if thats good, but who cares!

So today can be considered a good day, but the money that came out of my pocket or rather my dad’s pocket is still on my mind. I spent close to aud 400 just today alone. That isn’t a small amount, especially if you convert it to ringgit. That’s like Rm 1160. WOW!

And I bought some tongue studs that Nelvie asked for. I’m not gonna post the pics of your studs Nelvie, we shall let it be a surprise when I get back ;)

That's what i call a shopping spree

My new suit ;)


My new Nokia N-95 which was on my wishlist from last October has finally arrived with my sister from London last Saturday. Although it’s locked at the moment to the Orange network from U.K, we’re trying to get it unlocked as soon as possible. The camera is ridiculously good for a phone. I mean, the phone wasn’t as good as I expected, but the image quality from the camera really WOWED me. It’s almost better than my Kodak digital camera! So we know now which camera I would prefer using of course ;)

Here are just some pics of the phone

Monday, June 18, 2007


If you think about it, friends are something that can be considered “over-rated”. I mean come on now, ask yourself, how many friends do you have? Your answer would probably be like, uncountable? So let’s just narrow down the question and be a little more specific.

How many close friends do you have? and your answer would probably be like maybe 5-10 guys and gals?

So now ask yourself, these 5-10 peeps, do they really have your back when you’re in need? or are they for show only?

Sometimes even I do think who my close friends are and who I can actually count on? Are there some just beside me for a ride or are they really here with me for life?

Hence the reason you must always watch your back, even in the midst of your, so called close friends. I feel that sometimes, there isn’t any reason, but a friend would just not be the same anymore and would probably opt to do something seemingly brainless, which would either directly or indirectly affect the friendship one has with them.

Losing friends, I find it somewhat a cycle of friendships. Whenever you lose a close friend, you somehow find a new close friend.

I don’t know the reason, but like I said, sometimes there is no particular reason, but I feel as though I have lost a couple of friends. No reason for me to let out names, as most of the people reading this blog can be considered my “close friends”.

Oh well, I shall just look out for those new friends then aye. ;)

Is this a controversial post? I think so too, whatever you are thinking that is ;)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Exams that was

It’s just a little recap of last week, which so happened to be my exams week. I had 3 papers all together, Marketing Communications, Public Relations Media and Marketing Research. My internal marks for all 3 weren’t that bad, I needed like 5 marks for each subject to pass. But of course I wasn’t aiming for a mere pass, but a distinction ;)

Well, the first paper is always the hardest. I was scared senseless before my Marketing Communications paper on Tuesday. To make it worst, the paper was at 6.45 p.m. I mean, shit, you gotta wait for your paper all day long, makes you think even more.

After doing the paper, I was really sad. I feel that I screwed myself right in the arsehole for this paper. If ya know what I mean. But the heck with it, it’s not like I can turn back time now can I.

Second paper was on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m. It was Public Relations Media. This paper isn’t about studying; it’s more on how you generate ideas that should be put into the media. I was rather confident entering this exam, but damn was I wrong. The paper wasn’t tough or anything, but there wasn’t enough time! I wrote the most I have ever written in an exam in my entire life! I filled the whole answer booklet! (that’s a whopping 16 pages) I was rather impressed with myself after the exam. It was also the first time I stayed right till the end in an exam ;) (I’m those kinda guy that finishes my paper in 1 hour 15 minutes tops) But yeah, I think I did quite well, if I say so myself.

The last paper was on Friday, Marketing Research. I did not at all study for this paper till after my Public Relations Media paper. So I was kinda nervous, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to get it over with. I wanted to PARTAYYY babeh! I expected the exam to be tough, but to my surprise, it was rather easy ;) I finished in less than an hour and had to wait till 1 hour passed after the exam till I left the hall (the rules are that you can’t leave during the first hour, no idea why)

So then, it was officially over. My freaking exams that have kept me up more than once has passed me by. Intriguingly enough though, I think I had more sleep during exams than during the semester. LoL. I had like 8 hours sleep every night. ;)

New Stereo

I finally bought my stereo for my car last Saturday. Although it isn’t what exactly I wanted ( I wanted to have a amplifier and a sub-woofer installed too), It is however a start.

I haven’t installed the stuff yet, so it’s gonna be a task I want to finish before I head back for Malaysia. So let’s just see how it goes.

I paid aud 50 for my front speakers, aud 130 for my new player ( ipod compatible, so I don’t need to burn anymore cds), and aud 70 for my back speakers.

Pioneer 6” X 9” 250W 3 Way Speakers

Sony Xplod 6” 190W 2 Way Speakers

Pioneer CD/Mp3 Player

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Them Shoes

You gotta love ‘em shoes. I mean I have like probably 9 or 10 pairs, and still I’m looking for more. It’s just something I can’t resist. When I see nice sneakers, I need to buy ‘em. LoL. I guess you can say it’s an addiction.

However, I do know people with much more shoes. Slow and easy mate, I’ll get there soon enough. The only problem is it’s so darn expensive to get a pair of good sneakers. Every pair I’ve seen that I’ve contemplated buying costs around aud 150-210.

Like I said, slow and easy. As soon as I get the dough, I’ll get the sneakers. Let’s just hope that it’s soon so that the sneakers won’t be sold out. ;)

Here is just a few of the shoes I’ve been admiring. So if ya seen it around, give me a yell so i can go check it out ;)

Osiris O.G Abel

Nike Dunk (Eric Haze Edition)

There is only 3000 pairs of these ;)


Nike Air Force One Premium (Lucha Libre Edition)

And you gotta have them jordans in your wishlist of sneakers man!

Jordan 5 RA Rare Laser Edition

Cassy Night

It’s a Friday night and where else is it better to be then hitting the cassy and gambling some money away. It was a great night for me and Allan though, we made some casino money. ;)

So for now its Brandon 2 – Casino 0

That means I’ve won 2 times in a row that I’ve been to the cassy. All together I’ve made around aud 400. Not bad if I say so myself eh?

It’s been along day and night. My bed is calling me to its comfy side with its fluffy sheets.
Peace Out.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Like a Kid

Everything that comes in the box ;)

the ipod


the box

I know this entry was supposed to be put a week back or something. But guess it’s too late for that now ain’t it. Anyway, I got an Ipod a week an a half back. It’s an ipod video with 30 GB memory and it was a great bargain. I paid aus 230 for it and I’m rather happy considering this is the first item above RM500 that I’ve bought for myself using the money I saved up along the months.

Now I’m like a kid with a new toy. Playing around with it and just admiring the mere sight of it. Ngeks. But I’m sure I just need a few more weeks till I get bored of it and it will be just another owned item of mine. Oh well, life goes on.

There is a slack part about it though. itunes, it really is something you really need to get used to huh? I was getting frustrated just trying to get songs into my new baby. itunes isn’t that user friendly at all. bleh!
p/s: forgive the bad pictures.

I'm Back

The dark clouds of examinations and no connection line at the new home has finally passed me by. Now I’m back online and free as a bird right up to 30th July. Which is the date my next semester of university commences.

Updates shall be done on what has happened so far. I think I have a story or two up my sleeve to share with everyone. Or at least I hope.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Wrong Information

Whoopsie Daisy!

Wrong information babes. I’m not going back to Malaysia on the 26th and I’m not taking Brunei Airways. Instead, I’m going back on the 24th June and I’m flying direct with MAS. I’ll be leaving for Perth exactly 1 month from the date I arrive, 24th of July.

No more Bang Balls for me! ;)

already offered to pick me up! Wohoo! Let’s just hope he doesn’t get another ticket for illegal parking again. I warned him just now, and he said “don’t worry, I’ve learned my lesson.” hahaha!

Malaysia, Here I come!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


No it’s not "shortie" as in girlfriend. Its instead "shortie" as in this post is going to be a short post ;)

I have no connection to the internet now at the new house for the time being and thats the reason i haven't been posting up. But anyhow, nothing much has really been happening. I've been rather good this past week. Most of the time staying home and just chilling with the family.

But i guess every good thing has to come to an end, for i already have plans for tonight aye! Ngeks!

Oh, and before i forget, my flight is 90% confirmed. My flight back home to Malaysia that is. Hip Hip Hoorayy! Hip Hip Hoorayyy! I'll be leaving here on the 25th June, night if im not mistaken and be arriving back home the morning of 26th June. The screwed up part is that i'll prolly reach Brunei at around 3-4 a.m. (because i'm taking the cheapest flight that just so happens to be Brunei Airways) and i got a 3 hour transit! As Ug put it yesterday when i was chatting with him, "So you can bang balls for 3 hours lah". And I believe i'll have to do just that. BANG BALLS! And my flight home is now set for the 18th of July. But it hasn't been confirmed yet. So we'll see how it goes. I'm still deciding ;)

Don't rush me mates!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

As expected and More

The weekend turned out just as expected. Or at least half the weekend has turned out as expected with a little added extra here and there. Now I can tell you first hand, heavy labor work isn’t easy at all and I salute those who have to do it for a living. It was exhausting moving all the stuff around, especially with only three guys doing all the heavy lifting.

Today wasn’t even close to how it was when Auntie Pat was moving houses. Compared to this, that was a stroll in the park. But I guess it’s because the lads were there to help out. So yeah, thank you Vjay and Andrew for the help that time ;)

And to add up with the heavy lifting was that I hadn’t had a good night sleep for three nights running now. Meaning that for the past three nights, I’ve had only four hours or less sleep. Damn I hope I get a good night sleep today.

Seems like painting and moving houses just isn’t my thang ;) GET THE HINT!
If you’re painting or moving houses, DON’T CALL ME!

A few other minor events happened today that just got my blood boiling. Some people are just so fucked up sometimes. If you think I’m talking about you, it might very well be you. So what are ya gonna do about it? BITE ME!

Payback will be a bitch. I guarantee it.

Friday, June 1, 2007


It’s the end of the semester and seriously, I was so relieved just a moment ago as I walked into the marketing school building and handed in my final report for the semester.
It was like a burden taken off my shoulders. I am officially free of assignments this semester! Wohoo! Time to shout and celebrate!

But somehow, I’m not as excited as I should be. I mean, I’ve been looking forward to this time for the past three months and yet, when it arrives, why am I not as happy and I think I should be?

Maybe because of the fact that whenever a semester is ending, that’s when everyone in class starts to bond with each other and make new friends. And in the end, you know you probably would not even see that person again in your life. Unless of course by chance. And I was rather lucky this semester to have three great and friendly tutors out of my four different subjects. So that probably plays a part in me feeling this way too.

But yeah, I have mixed feelings. I’m relieved and yet a little sad that the semester has ended. Now all I have to look forward to is the exams coming up in two weeks, and boy will I enjoy that eh?

Oh well. At least the other thing to look forward to is the one and half month break I have before next semester. Lets hope all goes as planned and I do awesomely in my exams.