Monday, September 10, 2007

Mid Semester Break

Mid Semester break wasn’t too long ago. It was however, rather short. I mean, 7 days? that’s waaaayyy too short! Anyway, it wasn’t such a bad one considering my eyes and all. Did a lot of chilling out with friends, a norm back home but not here I assure you. So the week wasn’t a too boring one, but it wasn’t really eventful either. We did however make a day trip down south to Mandurah. I know I know, I seem to be going to Mandurah a lot these days. It wasn’t my idea anyway! It was Don’s and Jean’s idea to go there. Six of us went in two cars. Cheryl, Yin Kong, Jean, Donovan, Grace and myself. Had the usual Cicirello’s for lunch, chilled out at Dome by the docks and headed to the beach before coming back home.

At Cicirello’s, Grace and Jean went way overboard in ordering their food. So everyone kinda chipped in to help them finish and we all got stuffed! Is it a Malaysian thingy? To order much more then you can actually eat? ‘Cause most of my Malaysian friends does it. Guess we Malaysians like to bite off more than we can chew huh?

The beach was perfect for swimming, sadly however, we weren’t prepared to swim. The waves were amazingly huge it crashing onto the shore just tempted us more to go swimming, but we fought our temptation and just chilled at the beach. Yin Kong as usual did some kind of “master piece” he so loves to do. Didn’t see him do those kinda things in awhile though, so I guess he had great fun doing it!

The girls were busy cam whoring as usual, but the surprising thing is, Donovan was really into cam whoring as well. I over heard him say to the girls, “take picture of me, take picture of me, here looks nice! faster! faster!”. So yeahhhhhh… we know who likes to take pictures a little too much. Later in the evening we took a slow drive back north. So the day was tiring considering I was driving with one eye. Came back and crashed immediately.

The six of us at the docks.

The boys chilling by the docks.

At the beach. (same rail my sister and mother fell from).

Camera timer is great.

The four of us.

The girls.

Yin Kong's "master piece".

Whose who's?

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